Clinical safety monitoring
Monitor participant health with continuous and intermittent vital sign monitoring devices.
Continually monitor participant health data with an experienced partner who understands the challenges of new therapy development.
Monitor participant health with continuous and intermittent vital sign monitoring devices.
Predict and detect adverse events or indicators of disease progression, enabling early interventions.
Capture and monitor participant health data, aiding the analysis of clinical trial endpoints.
Design participant centric experiences with an adaptable platform.
Our Current Health remote monitoring platform integrates with a wide variety of connected devices to ensure configurability for each clinical trial, while supporting the needs of each participant.
Our support serves as an extension of trial site teams to help scale your clinical trial and enhance overall efficiency and safety – from 24/7/365 clinical monitoring and triage of participant vital signs, to clinical operations management and ongoing program success.
Improve participant safety through the early identification of health deterioration, alerting trial sites to potential adverse events and coordinating appropriate interventions.
Deliver more personalized treatment, and support proactive prevention measures for trial participants, while increasing the speed and precision of trial execution through earlier decision-making.
Robust data sets enable the analysis and demonstration of clinical trial endpoints, helping to determine the effectiveness and safety of treatments.
Easier accessibility and reduced barriers for participation help to achieve improved trial enrolment and retention.
Phase III multi-center study for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.
Lack of real-world health data to identify the frequency and severity of CRS, following drug administration.
Continuous and intermittent vital sign monitoring.
Phase IIA multicenter study for severe postpartum depression.
Evaluate safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and descriptive efficacy following drug administration in adults with severe postpartum depression.
Continuous vital sign and fall detection monitoring with ePROs.
Dose escalation study of CAR-T dose administration.
Evaluate the feasibility of an outpatient treatment plan for participants in a dose escalation study.
Continuous and intermittent vital sign monitoring.