Patient bill of rights and responsibilities
Patients and family are our number one concern. It is a priority that patients utilizing Current Health receive care that is delivered with accountability, compassion, and professionalism. A patient’s rights can be exercised on his or her behalf by a designated surrogate or proxy decision-maker if the patient lacks decision-making capacity, is legally incompetent, or is a minor.
Patient rights
To receive considerate, respectful, and compassionate care
To reasonable access, through our clients, to the medical monitoring and triage resources at Current Health without regard to race color, national origin, age, sex, or disability
To be informed about and to participate in decisions regarding your care, including the refusal of Current Health monitoring and alert services
To be involved in all aspects of care, and to be allowed to participate in that care
Except in emergencies when the patient lacks the ability to make decisions and the need for support is urgent, the patient is entitled to a chance to discuss and request information related to the Current Health services provided, the risks involved, the possible length of monitoring support, and the medically reasonable alternatives through our clients to alternative support services along with their accompanying risks and benefits
To be assured that Current Health monitoring and alert services support for you will not be conditioned on your advance directive
To refuse Current Health services to the extent permitted by law and to be informed by our clients of the medical consequences of your actions
To have clinical and educational information from our clients about your care in language and terms that you understand
To voice complaints about your care, and to have those complaints reviewed and, when possible, resolved
To information about any research activities that involve Current Health services provided, including benefits and risks, procedures involved, and alternative treatments
To security, privacy, and confidentiality of your information at all times
To know who is responsible for providing your immediate, direct care through our clients
To be supported in accessing protective services when requested
To unrestricted communication unless restrictions are a part of the monitoring and alert services coordinated through your healthcare provider. Any restrictions will be explained to you and will be reviewed with you by your healthcare provider if changes are required
To be told, on request, of the existence of any business relationship among the hospital, educational institutions, other health care providers, and/or payers that may influence the patient’s support provided by Current Health
Patient satisfaction
Assessment of patient/family satisfaction is most important to us. Please let us know how we can improve our service to you.
Voicing complaints
Our staff strives to provide excellent care and service. If we fail to meet your expectations, please do not hesitate to let us know as soon as possible.
Rest assured that voicing a concern will not hinder the care and service we provide. Usually, a word to your nurse or healthcare provider is all that is needed, but if you prefer, you can contact the Current Health Office Administrator at +1 415-941-5734 and request to speak with the Current Health Chief Medical Officer or via email at
Your concern will be promptly addressed. You also have the right to register a complaint with your state Department of Health, Medicare & Medicaid Services at +1 800-633-4227, or Joint Commission Fax at +1 630-792-5636.